
Engineering Design (FS, FEED, DED)

In every development of Oil and Gas Infrastructure, there is a needs of several study such us Feasibility Study and Engineering Design based on Applicable Code & Standard to make sure all development project stage meet the requirement.

Our company can offer several service related to Feasibility Study, Front End Engineering Design (FEED), and Detail Engineering Design. Each service is supported by multi discipline expert and qualified engineer to meet all design objective and goals.


Our Capability

Engineering Design for Oil & Gas Facilities

• Offshore & Onshore Pipeline
• Piping System
• PLEM & SPM System
• Storage Terminal
• Pressure Vessel
• Compressor Station
• Pump Station
• Metering Station
• Offshore Topside Facility
• LNG Terminal & Regasification Facility
• Mini LNG Plant
• SPBG Facility and City Gas Distribution Network
• Other Oil & Gas Facility

Engineering Design for Geothermal Facilities

• Power plant facilities include piping system.
• Piping system for Steam Above Ground (SAGS) facilities at Well Pad.
• Pipeline system SAGS facilities from Well Pad to Power Plant.
• Design and Modification Condensate Handling
• Design and Modification Brine Injection system