Case Study

Special Case Study (RC/FA, FFS, Component Design Modification)

offers solution to overcome special case studies in various fields and is supported by experts with a strong ability to do analysis, have a lot of experience and provide appropriate recommendations.

Our power of choice is untrammelled and when nothing prevents being able to do what we like best every pleasure.


Our Capability

Oil & Gas Facilities

• Root Cause & Failure Analysis for Pipeline Leak / Burst at Onshore & Offshore Facilities
• Fitness for Service for Pressurize Equipment / Pipe
• Material Selection & Corrosion Mapping for Onshore & Offshore Pipeline
• Pipeline Assessment based Intelligent Pig (ILI) result
• Pipeline Remaining Strength & Remaining Life Assessment

Geothermal Facilities

• Piping Stress Analysis at Well Pad.
• Pipeline Stress Analysis from Well Pad to Power Plant
• Flow Simulation & Optimization for Steam, Brine and Condensate Pipeline
• Structural Pipe Support Stress Analysis
• Energy Audit for Geothermal Power Plant and SAGS Facilities